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- By Shane Williams
They've been teasing us for weeks, and today Toyota fiinally announced their new TRD Pro series at the Chicago Auto show.
This all new off-road specific package is availabele on 4Runner, Tundra, and Tacoma trucks, with styling & performance specific for each model. Designed by the experts at TRD, these trucks are sure to please 4x4 enthusiasts everywhere.
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- By Shane Williams
After much deliberation and countless discussions among our team, we've made the tough decision to cancel printed subscriptions to TCT Magazine.
As it turns out, printing and mailing are very expensive, and with many people still struggling due to current economic conditions, they just can't justify spending cash on content that we provide for free via electronic delivery.
Since we announced TCT Magazine subscriptions, only about 1.5% of those that looked out our subscription page actually subscribed. At that rate, we wouldn't hit 1,500 subscribers until mid-2015, which isn't fair to those that have already subscribed.
Also, it's not very responsible to purchase thousands of magazines that may never be used. Most major magazines regularly print 1,000+ extra copies as give-aways for events and vendors. In the end many of these copies end up in recycling (hopefully) or in a landfill in the worst cases. In our minds that kind of excess no only wastes money, but is not very environmentally friendly.
We really wanted to do printed subscriptions for those that prefer the feel of paper when enjoying our magazine, but we just can't make it happen right now.
There is good news though!
100% of subscription money will be refunded. Many checks were never cashed & will be returned to the sender, credit card payments that were processed will be refunded (most were not), and paypal payments will be refunded or returned.
Also, everyone that has signed up will receive their Founder sticker, our way of thanking you for your support. If you don't see your sticker in the next few weeks, please send us an e-mail and we'll get one out to you. Remember, founder stickers are only for those that signed up for a printed subscription before we cancelled that option.
You can still help support TCT Magazine in several ways!
- If you like what we're doing and would like to see TCT live for a long time, please tell everyone you know about our mag and support our Advertisers & Partners.
- We've also added a Tip Jar to the site if you'd like to throw some beer money our way :)
- Finally, we're offering printed copies through our print-on-demand partner MagCloud at a small discount. These will be collector items as we will only print a (very) small number of each issue. These collector editions of TCT Magazine will include a square binding and will be shipped directly from us to you in a padded envelope. They're available on the Way2Tread Store and will cost $16/each. Learn more on the Way2Tread Website.
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- By Shane Williams
If you missed our launch party for the January 2014 issue, don't worry, you can relive the excitement and watch our video, AND jump ahead to the annotations :)
We had a great time chatting about how we got started into off roading & Toyota Cruisers & Trucks, and discussing each article in this issue.
We also want to congratulate Eric from Denver on winning the Toytec Lifts $25 gift certificate, as well as Bill who won the sweet Adventure Tool Company Tool Pouch!
Let us know what you think of this idea, we're hoping to do more Hangouts on Air in the future!
To get your copy of the January 2014 issue of TCT Magazine:
To get your copy of the January 2014 issue of TCT Magazine:
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- By TCT Magazine
Have you ever thought about writing? Wouldn't it be great to see your thoughts, photos, and coverage of an event in our magazine?
We need your help!
Our TCT Event List currently includes 26 events for 2014, and there’s simply no way we’ll be able to attend them all.
This magazine (like FJC & TM before) is all about serving the reader, and we really want to keep it that way.