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- By Shane Williams
Autoblog (and several others) are reporting the the Toyota subsidiary Toyota Auto Body Co. will be entering a biodiesel based 200 series Land Cruiser into the 2014 Dakar rally.
The highly modified race truck will run on used cooking oil according to reports, which should make for a flavorful journey!
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- By TCT Magazine
It just occured that we put together this snazzy new website, and never went over some of the great features. Also, several people have asked about our printed subscriptions vs. the free digital version. We wanted everyone to know that EVERY article from FJC Magazine and most from Tacoma Magazine are available on our site. Going forward, all articles from every issue are available for free in Digital PDF form, and will eventually land on our website as well. It's easy to search for anything related to your Toyota Land Cruiser, Truck, or SUV and find great content through our site.
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- By Shane Williams
Four Wheeler is showing off spy shots of a newly designed BF Goodrich All Terrain tire in Baja.
For those not familiar with the legendary rubber, the BFG A/T has been the go-to tire for many years on vehicles meant for mixed-use. Every Special Edition FJ Cruiser ships with the iconic shoes, and many of us ran BFG's for years. The BFG A/T practially invented the all-terrain dual/use category, so any change is sure to be major.
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- By Shane Williams
While TCT Magazine is still taking printed subscription orders, I wanted to let everyone know where we stand for the January 2014 issue.
It turns out that printing a magazine isn't cheap or easy, which is why we've published our 2,000 subscriber minimum before we can 'turn on' printed subscriptions. As of today (December 3rd) we're just over 10% of the way to our 2,000 subscriber goal. This means that when the January issue of TCT Magazine is published, we won't be able to order the printed copies (yet).